William COWLE's day book

cover of William Cowle's daybook

In June 2011, Tony Macer and I were invited to go to the Museum in the Park to examine and photograph a scrapbook that had been donated to the museum in 1955 by a Mr Timbrell (if any of the Timbrells read this, do please get in touch).

The scrapbook turned out to be a day book kept by William COWLE (WC) during 1890. In it he pasted notes about his garden, his walks, his friends, his astronomical and weather observations, recipes, articles from newspapers and magazines, and illustrations that caught his eye.

His wife Helen had died in January 1890 and they had no children. He had his membership of local council Committees, but he seemed to have time to spare and not many close friends. His father had been a farmer and WC made notes about cereal yields and broken fences as he walked the paths around the county. His interest in astronomy was so great that he built an observatory with a 6" telescope on the corner opposite the hospital, "Open to the Public every clear Evening".

WC took his work on the local Board of Health seriously. He copied statistics into his day book about deaths per 1,000 of population, and kept careful weather and rainfall records (he was also concerned with the supply of fresh water in the town). And there are quite a few surprises. Somebody gave WC a newspaper cutting about using cocaine to cure influenza [Image 3408] "The effect was magical ... When I think I am going into danger I forestall it by an application." [no comment]. Later [Image 3420] he wrote a very disapproving list of friends who succumbed to ‘a fondness for stimulants’.

painting of anonymous girl

And the day book contains this lovely little watercolour of a young girl. We have no idea who she is, though she could be one of Helen's nieces. She had quite a few but one - an invalid - was called Hellen, so it would be nice to think this was little Hellen. Or it might even be Helen herself as a young girl. She was born in 1821 and I do not know enough about historical costume to be able to date this white frock [although staff at the Museum of Costume in Bath have since suggested that the dress, and the painting style, come from 1823-27; is this a six-year-old Helen?]. One of the Timbrell children - see below - had scribbled a bonnet on her head but I have digitally removed it from this image. If anyone can name her please get in touch immediately!

Lionel Waldrond was the curator of the Museum in the Park at the time the scrapbook was donated to the collection. He visited our Open Day in June 2011 and was able to tell us more about its acquisition (and some stories about the Timbrell family in the 1940s that I will not repeat here).

The scrapbook had been found in the attic of the Cemetery Lodge in Bisley Road. Actually, it was Mrs Timbrell who found it and happily let their children practise their writing on the pages! That was how the scrapbook spine got so damaged, and why many of the pages are overwritten in chalk or pencil childish handwriting. I had hoped that it had been discovered in a location connected with the COWLEs, and that Helen COWLE's nieces and nephews had played with it, but not so, which is a pity. A little daughter accompanied Mr Timbrell when he took the scrapbook to the Museum - possibly aged about 5 or 6 according to Lionel's memory - which would put her YoB around 1950. We do not know her first name, or his. We do not know who put the scrapbook in the attic, or why. One possible answer is that the scrapbook had been part of an auctioned lot, and abandoned because it was not of any interest. But we have not yet found any record of an auction of William COWLE's possessions, after his death. And we don't know who lived in the Cemetery Lodge immediately after World War II. Yet.

The scrapbook is in a very fragile state, with most of the pages completely loose, so there is no way of knowing the original order in which they were bound, or if any page is missing – although the Collections Officer wonders if one of them is the loose page containing the four yellowing photographs of The Field [Accession No 1957.145] annotated “H Cowle – grandfather’s sister house” (this casual annotation was the only confirmation that the COWLEs had lived there at all, and led us to possible present-day Kent relatives!). There are very few dates or newspaper sources that might give a clue so we have not attempted to re-order the actual pages. Tony photographed the front and back of every page so the image order below shows the order in which the pages were then stored. The lighting in Gallery 2 was good enough not to have to use the flash, which we were all relieved about, and we all donned gloves before handling the pages.

To show the order of the pages as presented on 7th June, the list below assigns a number to each loose page photographed, using ‘a’ and ‘b’ to indicate ‘front’ or ‘back’. Very occasionally a page needed more than one photograph (close-ups; backs of newspaper cuttings, and so on) so these are identified by ‘c’ and ‘d’ as appropriate. The images themselves are far too big to be displayed on this website but here at least is a detailed index of the contents, with occasional thumbnails.

To maintain continuity in the original Image numbers as they came off Tony's camera, every image is listed in this CONTENTS list:

Image#Page#Page CONTENTS
33921afront cover test with flash
33931afront cover test with flash
33941afront cover test without flash
33951bfront cover back sheet – annotated ‘given 11-8-55 by Mr Timbrell’ then empty except for childish scribble
33962aOpinions of the Press reviews of, and order form for, The Book of Choice Ferns costing 12s for the first twelve ... from the publisher at 170 Strand
33972bmagazine page of illustrations of slug and two ferns
33983aportrait of Harry L W LAWSON Esq pub as supplement to The Stroud Journal October 8 1892
33993bcutting of letter dated 25 July ‘fifty-three years later’ [so 1892] quoting extract from Macaulay’s 1839 book Gladstone on Church and State highly critical of Gladstone’s rhetoric
34004ablank page, childish drawing of a house (bathroom, kitchen, lavatreen on G floor; bedroom on 1st floor, brick or stone garden path)
  • 15th annual [1888?] Medical Officer’s Report [W C KIRBY Inspector Sanitary UD, Stroud] summarising: need for portable isolation provision; the unsanitary state of Smith’s Court, Acre St; mortality drops from 21.5/1000 in 1875-79 to 19.6/1000 then to 16.6/1000 in the last three years 1885-87 inc, then 13/1000 year; averaging 5.7 for the past four years. Also an increasing birth rate. Estimated population is 9,597.
  • More stats on Bs and Ds. infant death rate 24.8% of total deaths (31 infants) – with details of causes of death of infants and adults – suspicions of neglect; cancer 1.5/100, heart disease 0.6/1000, phthisis 0.9/1000. One case of typhoid resulted in advice being given about water supply. Monthly rainfall figures supplied by Mr Cowle of Park House. Water supplies, drainage, bakehouse inspections.
  • Annual activity summary.
34035brecipe for glue; Business of the Lodge annotated Oct 24 1891;
34045chandwritten note dated Oct 29 1891: “rode from Stroud to Charfield and walked from Charfield home. Several trees blown down near the line. Saw only xx at Watson[?] / between Waldon and Symonds Hall[?] saw abt 4 or 5 acres of straw[?] xxx out. and abt one acre of Wheat. One of the Beach Trees at the highest point in the County blown down and one still standing ...[more] No corn out at S Hall, abt 17 ricks in the yard and 5 or 5 in the field adjacent [more] lots of trees blown down between Nailsworth and Stroud [end of page]
34055dsame page at 90o
34076bhandwritten note: 'Buried at Stow: Sacred to the Memory of Rachel Cowle of Moorslade Farm Who died July 21st 1852 in the 68th year of her age [so b abt 1784; 1841and 1851 censuses show them both at Moorslade, Falfield, Thornbury] Also of William Cowle late of Moorslade Farm who died at Stroud December the 13th 1868 in his eighty seventh year [so b abt 1781]’

‘In the Stroud cemetery: Sacred to the Memory of Helen wife of William Cowle of Park House Stroud who Died Jany 27th 1890 – aged 68’

34087a small squares of paper with handwritten notes:
  • ‘left a Wife and one Child Reminder’
  • rainfall measurements for Feb, Mar, Apr 1890
  • ‘Mr Exell Died May 25/89’
  • ‘Banished Pretenders are like deceased husbands after a certain time their reappearance would much derange those who most wept for them’
newspaper cutting from Letters to the Editor, The Standard:
  • eucalyptus is an effective disinfectant against Influenza
  • one grain of cocaine to one hundred drops of water, applied up the nostrils with a camel’s hair pencil, cured my influenza in five minutes. The effect was magical.... When I think I am going into danger I forestall it by an application.
34108acuttings from Stroud Journal Nov 4/92 and Stroud News same date, concerning Mr Cowle’s resignation from the Board of Health, after 30 years.
34118btorn out – looks like remains of paper pocket for 1873 auction papers
34129acutting of undated magazine article Mr Besant in London – Romans Guilds, fragments of monasteries ... 14thC ... royal palaces ... Milton ... masons
34139aback of cutting: 5th August 1892 from English Mechanxxx World of Science No 1428 p 545: an electric Low Water alarm and the British Association for the Advancement of Science address by the President of the Association on James HUTTON
  • trade card for Joseph BIRT [his father-in-law] and the Commercial Inn, Stroud, with its well-aired beds
Joseph Birt's visiting card
  • visiting cards for Helen – Mrs W Cowle – whilst in mourning (Helen's father Joseph BIRT was the innkeeper of the White Hart, an inn then at the top of the High Street near The Cross. He died, I think, in 1848 and this might be the reason for the juxtaposition of these two items in the daybook.
34159bclose-up of the White Hart trade card
341610awatercolour of a little girl (see above), undated, unidentified - circulated within the Museum staff and Friends in June to see if anyone recognises it
341710bp 546 of the English Mechanic and World of Science No 1428 Aug 5th 1892, containing articles headed: The Neptunists and the Plutonists; Smith's Law of Organic Succession; The Modern Science of Geology; Uniformity of Causation; Progression in Organic Types
341811asame article cutting as 2412 Mr Besant on London [v crumpled]
341911bpurple ink: table of births and deaths the past 14 years (1875-87) Stroud U S D inc % per 1000, and infant deaths as % of births [dated in pencil 1887 and 14 corrected to 13]
342012a people known to William Cowle who died of drink a handwritten list of friends who ‘have gone before their time from a fondness for stimulants’

Here is my transcript. Some are identified by their occupation. Not all names and initials are legible and I have had to guess quite a few - especially Ts and Fs and Js. And where WC wrote Do (ditto) I have repeated the actual name.

1st column:

J Grist, T Grist, J Clissold Snr, J Clissold Jnr, Poole Holloway, Tea Smith, W Holmes, W Hobbs, & wife, White Cofferman, White Farmer, Buk Busham, William Coach Busham, Young Hallewell, Grand Father, Great Uncle, John Clutterbuck, brother, Father, Niblett Chemist, Hopson Butcher, Nat G, Alfred G, Jacob G, John G, Old Bateman, He Bateman, Old Humphries, G Humphries, T Humphries,

2nd column: Berry Ironmonger, Denis Lawyer, Leon Nailsworth, H H, Lucke Bank, Webb Ripley, D Stanton Jnr, Flight Snr, An Junr, Collins, Ponting Senr, Ponting Jnr, Bradford, Bradford, Webb, Sping, Winterbotham, Knee, Knee, Knee, James Robson, Cormack, Merrett B B, Guyland Patch, Websome Farmer, Webson Bean, Neal Russel St, King Butcher,

3rd column: Dutson Hunt, Gillman, Gillman, Hy Hyde, Hy Keill, T Chew, Banker Smith, Denys Healter, Lasbury, Lasbury, Lasbury, D Davis, W Davis, Reartly, Busthwait, Lamb, Lamb, Clutterbuck Law, Bliss Senr, Bliss Junr, G Allan, brxxxx, xxxx, Jowling, Willy Mason at Grey liskes, Hewlett, Hewlett, Hewlett Coach, Hunt, Hunt, Hunt, xxxtone (three of them).

If you want to see a copy of the image itself, please email me.

342112bsomething large has been removed from this page
342213aprinted Instructions for using the Negretti & Zambra’s Horticultural Self-Registering Thermometer for Determining the Greatest Cold during the night or absence of the observer
342313bback of Negretti & Zambra's leaflet [blank page]
342414adiagram from English Mechanic and World of Science No 1310 dated May 2 1890. p201, showing Plan of Inner Satellites [of Saturn:] Tethis, Dione and Rhea
342514bintriguing torn-out printed sheet, the left-hand side of which says: “The recital ... twenty years old ... any doubts shall arise as to ... her expense to be made by a ...of its having during that period be... ...jection or requisition in reference to the Title or th ... .Wilberforce Heelas, within 21 days after the deliver of ... making further objection ... and shall be deemed ...” the original page was later used by a child to write a pencilled shopping list, with prices [did the child tear out the sheet? who can say]
342615a a number of articles:
  • The moon’s water – speculation that the water once on the moon was captured by the earth’s powerful attraction and could have accounted for the Glacial Period; Mars has snow-capped poles and mountains and heavy clouds
  • Deaths in mid-West blizzards
  • The ex-amateur champion sprinter of England, J M COWLE, might settle in New York [any relation? I have no idea]
  • newspaper report: ‘Sad Occurrence in Stroud: the suicide of Mr Charles W EDMONSTONE of Field House, who shot himself in the head with his revolver but lived for four more hours; Coroner’s inquest ‘tomorrow’ [only local D reg was 1878Q1, CWE aged 25 - Field House is the 1820s house further down Bowbridge Lane that was later a Youth Hostel, then a TA centre]
  • hand-written addresses in London for Mr ELLIOTT and Mr Percy MAJOR
342816aloose sheet: badly damaged newspaper cutting from Saturday June 19th 1869: page of adverts, the middle one of which is for Mount Pleasant, Stroud, Unsold Lots on this very xxxxxent building site [this must be the follow-on from Revd John Hawkins sale of Arundell Mill in 1868]
3429 16asame as 3428
3430 16acloseup of same cutting
3431 16a[back of 3428] a full-page report of William COWLE v. William LONG – action by plaintiff, a gentleman of Stroud, against a manufacturer of Charfield mills and JP, to recover £16 damage to a hedge at Mr COWLE’s farm at Charfield, near the mills (bought by him in 1852). This was a jury case and Messrs John BARBER, J CROOME, D CRUMP, E ORGAN and G M COOPER were sworn. Plaintiff was represented by Mr NORRIS, barrister-at-law of Bristol, instructed by Mr KEARSEY of Stroud. The dispute was about access rights across two lanes.
3432 16a another view of 3431
3433 16a another view of 3431
3434 16a handwritten notes pasted to auction ad: Temperatures for December 1889; Rainfall for 1890: 23”
3435 16a
  • WC business card [loose but found with this page]
  • another image of the note: Temperatures for December 1889; Rainfall for 1890: 23”
3436 16athe very crumpled June 1871 auction note to which 3434 was pasted - see 3437
3437 16afull size auction poster for Corn Exchange and Exchange Buildings sale June 1871 [was this WC clearing the decks and raising capital after his purchase in Feb 1871 of The Field estate? He and Helen had lived at Exchange Buildings for some time.] 1871 Stroud auction poster
3438 16aauction pamphlet cont'd: details of Corn Exchange and Exchange Buildings Lots [top already torn and missing]:‘

No 1: The CORN EXCHANGE, having one of the best Cellars in the County, xxxx Room, Store Room, with other conveniences, in the occupation of Mr Joseph BROWN

Coach House, with room for Three Carriages, Wash house, and Store Room, use by several tenants

No 2: PRIVATE RESIDENCE in the occupation of Mr W COWLE, the Proprietor of the property, consisting of Dining Room, Drawing Room, Breakfat Room, Kitchen, Larder, Back Kitchen, WC, and Five Bed Rooms.

No 3: PRIVATE RESIDENCE in the occupation of Mr James HUSSEY, having Parlour, Kitchen, Larder, Coal-house, WC, Two good Bed Rooms, and Dressing Room on Second Floor, and Two Bed Rooms and Store Room on Third Storey.

No 4: PRIVATE RESIDENCE, occupied by Mrs WOOLLMAN with xxxx [too creased]

No 5: PRIVATE RESIDENCE, occupied by Mr H THORNTON, having Dining Room, Large Drawing Room, Large Kitchen, Larder, Cellar and Four good Bed Rooms, with WC

No 6: PRIVATE RESIDENCE, occupied by Mr ORCHARD, having Dining Room, Large Drawing Room, Kitchen, with capital Cooking Range, Larder, Cellar, Store-house, and Six Bedrooms, with WC.

No 7: PRIVATE RESIDENCE, occupied by Mr Joseph BROWN, having Two Sitting Rooms, Large Kitchen, Back Kitchen, WC, Five Bed Rooms, Two of which are very large.

No 8: Grocer’s Shop and Residence, with very Large and Valuable Cellar, Kitchen, Large Drawing Room, Five Good Bed Rooms, Two Store Rooms, with WC. Also Cellar and Store Room, entered from Yard below, occupied by Messrs BROWN and HUSSEY

There is a LARGE GARDEN, divided into Lots for the use of the Tenants. There are TWO GREENHOUSES, supplied with Three excellent Vines each, which are very productive. Three Stables, Two Fowls Houses, Two WCs, and other Outbuildings.The entire Annual Rental is £190.

The whole of the Property, except Two of the Stables and the Greenhouses, are let at exceedingly moderate Rents. Gas is laid on at all the Houses except one, and the Water and Drainage arrangements are perfect. If the New Market scheme in contemplation should be carried out, the probability is that part of the Property will be purchased so as to make a New Road from the Cross. The Property enjoys a right to waste Water from the Reservoir belonging to the Board of Health. The entrance to each House is ornamented with Columns or Pilasters in the Ionic style. Nearly all the Fireplaces on the Property are supplied with modern Registered Grates, and many of them have Marble Chimney Pieces. The whole of the Property is in the most substantial condition.’

343916a back of the auction catalogue, listing conditions of sale, the year 1871; the vendor’s agent was Wilberforce HEELAS
344016a[inside the folded auction catalogue] a loose leaf of p3 of a printed Minutes[?] with para headings:‘(f) From Army (g) From Plum Trees (h) From Debasement of Currency (i) from Apologies’
344116b WC handwritten lists: one of Vines ‘recommended in book’, a second of 20 Vines headed ‘ordered’
344217a Two (undated) newspaper cuttings concerning the election to the Local Health Board. Names mentioned are: COWLE W, HULBERT E, SIMS W T, OKEY J, GREENSLADE J, GARDNER T W, HOOK C, PEARSE W, and John HARPER [I think the date 1888 Feb 13 that seems to be at the top of the page is in fact from another page that was visible below this one. Messrs OKEY and GREENSLADE had bought building Lots at The Field auction.]
344317b A magazine article The Alphabet about early scripts and hieroglyphics
344417b page 2 of the article Image 3443
344518a local snowfall record dated 1888 Feb 13 [loose sheet]
344618b blank except for childish scribbled drawings
344719a torn blue sheet showing a list of months and associated figures [not sure of what]
344819b portrait of John ELLIOTT Very Truly Yours John ELLIOTT [portrait] published as supplement in Stroud Journal Jan 9 1891. [see #3426]
344920ahandwritten notes
  • recipe for sticking almost any thing [involved linseed oil]·
  • ‘The first person [in the] neighbourhood to use xxx or fire bricks in building houses was myself, namely Brunswick House, Grosvenor do, afterwards The Observatory’
  • ‘The first person to use xx Cowls like I have on my chimneys is a house by the road side just this side of Nailsworth. I am the xxoud’
  • newspaper cutting: to the Editor of The Standard from W H HUDLESTON, Royal Institution, Dec 28, concerning the effects of oceanic warmth on town temperatures in London, York and Stornoway
345020b a torn out copy of a NOTICE to Wm Cowle Esq, from the Returning Officer
345121aa page of small items:
  • Stroud Observatory flyer, printed on a small green display card·
Stroud Observatory hours flyer
  • torn corner from The Grocer listing advertising rates
  • handwritten recipe for Costiveness: soak Wheat all night Then Boil and flavour to please the palate

An intriguing list of COWLE births in WC’s handwriting [WC’s grandfather+siblings? If these are siblings they are very close together – poor mum! Checked IGI but no consistent entries; lots of COWLEs in Isle of Man]:

  • Wm Cowle born Feb 13 1782 [same YoB as the Wm C in 1851 Thornbury census – father of our Wm]
  • Sarah do b July 8 1783
  • Elias do b Jany 23 1785
  • John do b Jany 19 1786
  • Elizabeth do b Nov 21 1787
  • Mary do b Jany 27 1792
  • Ann do b Feb 22 1794
  • Agnes do b Apl 6 1795
  • George do b Feb 1796
  • Thomas do b Augt 20 1796 [he added a footnote here: ‘as entered in book’]
  • Wm Cowle married Feb 7 1776 died Jany 16 1819’ [the father of these babies? wish WC had put a village!
345221asame as 3451
345321bblank, pencilled scribbles
345422a advert for Henley-on-Thames Ales by Holmes & Co – elephants and natives, palm trees, huts! Holmes & Co had a brewery in Stroud!
345522bblank, pencilled scribbles
345623a advert 1887 Jubilee – cartoon showing all nationalities (John Bull at the front) pulling a chariot containing the Spirit of Booze? (she is scattering the names of different types of alcohol) [similar style to #3454]
345723bblank, pencilled scribbles
345824atwo letters:

1. handwritten: Feb 8th 1888 from W A LONG Chairman of the Local Board of Health, concerning the funeral arrangements for Henry HOLLOWAY – meet at the entrance to the Subscription Rooms at 11:45 to join the procession

2. printed: Feb 8th 1888 from W H C FISHER Secretary of Sherborne Lodge 702 – meet at the Lodge Room at 11:45 to follow his remains to the Cemetery. Brethren will wear white gloves.

  • modern note on page, where something has clearly been torn out: ‘Cheque for 1000 wishes to the Bank of Friendship. Alexander APPERLEY to W COWLE removed 1960
  • WC handwritten list of Stamp duty needed for various bands of Agreements (eg 5 to 10£ - 1/-)
346023a plan of Hemlock Well drain in Field Road, with scale plan of drain in Field Road
346224atorn out newspaper cutting concerning a dispute – clues from odd words: ‘manufacturer ... There were many people who used the road and it was much used by people going to the mills and the railway. The hedge in many places was cut ... William Heaven said he knew the farm. He had lived in the neighbourhood for sixty years. He did know the lane, which was a dark milll ane. It had been xxxxed Long’s Lane ever since the mill had been there ...’ looks like that Charfield dispute see #3431
346324bblank page, with childish pencilled list of words – and a brave attempt at scissors: ‘sicors’
346425anote listing ?names and places? WC handwriting v spiky but looks like: Bert E Costa? / do / do / Niblets Common / T Hunt / Fenater / do / Ayliff Dursley / Ockford Gardner Field / Kearsey / Z Hunt plasterer / Wallop
346525asame image
346625bblank page, childish scribbles
346726a magazine full-page illustration of a fern
346826b cover page: In Monthly Parts, Price 1s. Part 1 Now Ready: The Book of Choice Ferns ... cultivation and arrangement ... something else has been pasted on top of this cutting then torn off again
346927alist of BIRT siblings BMDs – torn so that most birth-year dates are missing! Have transcribed this list separately but the details show ‘Children of Joseph and Mary’ and list eight children, the youngest of whom is Helen. Parents are named as Joseph BIRT b Apl 24th xxxx and Mary ALDRIDGE b Jany 16th 1777; [WC's handwritten list shows these entries; I have added what else I have so far found]:
  • Sarah BIRT b 11 July 1801 died 17 Aug 1884[GRO register only has a death in Tewkesbury for this name+date]
  • John Aldridge BIRT b 5 May [1803?; married Elizabeth JONES but no record of any children; lived on Butter Row; died 1861Q1]
  • Mary Ann BIRT b 18 Dec [1805? but no record on IGI; married Stroud accountant Nathaniel WOOLMER but no children in census entries; moved around; died 1879Q3]
  • Emma BIRT b 9 Nov 1807[married James BROWN in Stroud, May 1831 then moved to Leamington Priors, living next door to her brother, surgeon Thomas BIRT. Emma moved back to Stroud when her husband died. Their son James was William COWLE's George St grocery counterman in 1861 census and by 1871 had his own grocery emporium at The Cross, a wife Ellen, children William F, Ellen and Minnie, and cousin(?) George BIRT was his shopman. James bought a block of The Field Estate building Lots]
  • Thomas BIRT b 29 April [date on torn-off section; doctor in Leamington; daybook contained obit and long letter about him to WC dated 1883 see #3472 and 3473]
  • Joseph BIRT b 18 Jun [date on torn-off section; successful tradesman in Stroud High St; lots more detail collected; great-grandson lives in Kent]
  • Nathaniel James BIRT b 18 June ...?
  • Helen BIRT b 24 Oct [1820; this is 'our' Helen of course, who married William COWLE. They had no children.]
  • newspaper cutting (undated) of average annual rainfall in various parts of England compared with Calcutta (524” !)
  • postcard of four puppies and something cut out of the central bit of the card
347128a blank page
347228b Helen’s funeral cards + Obit of Dr Thomas BIRT p1 [Helen’s brother]
347328b same as 3472 [handwritten 3-sided letter dated Jany 13th 1883 – transcribed separately]
347428b Obit of Dr Thomas BIRT p1 close-up
347528b Obit of Dr Thomas BIRT p2 close-up
347628b Obit of Dr Thomas BIRT p3 close-up
347729a the blank back of a folded article
347829a page from British Medical Journal Nov 1 1890 p 1036: letter concerning dietary fads
347929a the blank back of a folded article
348029b newspaper cutting (undated) about the British Association’s meetings at Cardiff – Anthropology and Darwin ... ‘.....It had been calculated that it would only require 600 years to populate the whole earth with the descendants of one couple, the first father being dolichocephalic and the first mother brachycephalic. They might after a time all choose to speak an Aryan language, but they could not choose their skulls......’
348130a list of vines in new Vinery pasted on the loose back of an article
348230a blank back of other half of folded page on which the Deafness article is pasted
348330a 2-column newspaper article (undated) from our correspondent in Paris about M. Ernest Renan, reviewing a new volume by this author of La Vie de Jesus the last volume of his History of the People of Israel. The author advises modern youth to discard metaphysics for practical science and history ......
348430a long newspaper cutting (undated) headed Deafness and other ailments
348530b WC handwritten note: Rainfall at Park House 1891 [monthly numbers] ‘nearly 9” above average’
348631a blank page that once contained a cutting perhaps the size of a postcard, of which only remnants of the central pasted area now remain
348731b blank page
348832a two undated cuttings:
  • A Swansea Boy’s Gallantry in Rosario News has just reached Swansea of the gallant conduct of Charles S Wyyatt, second mate of the barque Foxhound. It appears that whilst the Foxhound was being loaded at Rosario, for Swansea, a little boy fell into the dock, when young Wyatt nobly dashed after him, and after considerable difficulty, when both their lives were endangered, he succeeded in rescuing the drowning lad. Whyatt deserves every praise for the true British pluck he displayed.’ [who is this? – there are WYATTs in Stroud – a Henry was a church warden with Fream ARUNDELL in the 1760s; banker Henry WYATT had been at Field House in the 1840s and there was a Richard WYATT in the 1860s, connected with Hill House]
  • cutting from the Standard Dec 24th 1895: table of UK acreage under Wheat / Population for 1800, 1880, 1890, 1891-95
3489blank page
3490blank page
3491blank page
3492blank page with childish £ s d sums
3493blank page with one scribble
3494blank page with childish long division
3495blank page with colour chalk lines
3496end page – WC’s business card William Cowle's visiting card
3497back cover outside

As at Nov 2011 the images are still in their original, unedited state. In due course we want to edit them into a more viewable format that can be stored at the Museum.

A reminder - the complete scrapbook with all its contents is owned by the Cowle Trustees. The reproductions made here are done so with the permission of the Collections Officer at the Museum in the Park.

Marion Hearfield, 2011