Kelly's Directory of Stroud 1902

SurnameFirst namesAddressOccupation
AFFLECKThomas Richard30 Middle streetinsurance supt
ALDERGeorge Frederick, AMIME31 Gloucester street;
[h] 38 London road
ALDRIDGEAlfred Ernest1 High streetchina & glass dealer
ALDRIDGEGeorge Frederick13 High street; [h] Springfield rdchina & glass dealer
ALDRIDGEHiram22 Church streetwatch maker
ALDRIDGEJoseph WilliamBisley road, 3 Winchcombe housesmanager of Co-operative stores
ALLENCharles HenryBisley Old roadtailor
ALLENCharles Peter, MPFarm Hill park; New Oxford & Cambridge & National Liberal clubs SWmember of UDC
ALLENEdwinMidland Railway station master
ALLENJohn1 Middle streetbaker & postoffice
ALLENRev. WilliamBisley road, 1 Granville villasminister of Wesleyan chapel, Castle street
ANGELLCharlesRussell streethotel keeper, Railway commercial hotel; good commercial accom; spacious stabling; central &c
ANGELLNelson SimeonStratford road, Park villacommercial traveller
ANTHONYThomas ParnellBeeches green
Anthony, T P & Co20 King streetgeneral drapers; silk mercers; costumiers; milliners; dress making; mantles; mourning warehouse; funerals furnished &c
APPERLYAlfred esqRodborough court, Stroudmagistrate
APPERLYAlexander CooperPark road, Brunswick house
APPERLYEbenezer, LDSRCS.EngRowcroft;
[h] Bowbridge lane, Field house
dental surgeon
APPERLYHenry David, LDSRCS.Eng.4 Rowcroftdental surgeon
ARNOLDEmma (Mrs)1 Union streetshopkeeper
ASHMEADAlbert11 Wallbridgeblacksmith
ASHMEADEliza (Miss)11 London roadservants' registry
ATKINSAlbertSlad road, Kent villas
ATKINSAlbert(see Nelmes, Poole & Atkins)auctioneer &c;
AVERISSMary (Mrs)10 Slad roadapartments
BACKHOUSEHerbert A29 Acre streethair dresser
BAILEYAlbertBellevue roadsanitary inspector to Stroud rural district council; vaccination officer & attendance officer to the school attendance committee, Painswick school board
BAILEYEmma (Mrs)Bisley road, 2 Newland villashouseholder
BAILEYStanley GordonBannut Trees
Bailey S G & Co LtdStafford mills; Telegrams: "Manganese, Stroud"manufacturers of paints, colors & varnishes
BAKERGeorge Aaron22 George streetwatch maker
Baker & Co56 London roadpicture frame makers &c
BALLAlfred John MortonGeorge street; [h] The Greensolicitor; registrar & high bailiff of the county court & coroner for the Stroud & Cirencester division of the county (firm Ball, Smith, Upton & Playne)
BALLGeorgeChurch streetpub keeper, Lamb
BALLThomas4 Towerhillconfectioner
Ball, Smith, Upton & PlayneGeorge streetsolicitors &c
BANHAMWilIiam CharlesHorns roadgrocer
BANNISTERWilliam CharlesStratford road, Swiss villa
Barnard & Co5 George streetpianoforte dealers
BARNESCharles JonasSpringfield road, Cotswold villa
BARNESCharles WiIliam44 High stpub keeper, Corn Exchange
BARNFIELDJohn58 Middle streettiler & plasterer
BARRETTAlbertStratford roadhouseholder
BARRETTRev. GeorgeBisley road, Fielddaleminister of Congregational chapel, Bedford street
BARRETTRichard35 High streetchemist
BARROWThomas HenryNational telephone No.19proprietor & publisher of Stroud News & Gloucestershire Advertiser, general printer & stationer; hon sec of Mid Gloucestershire Conservative Club, Stroud
BASSETTBertram Oliver6 Gloucester streethair dresser
BASSETTCharles9 Towerhillchimney sweeper
BASSETTJohn Edward13 Kendrick streetsuperintendent of the London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Co Ltd
BATEMANJames Henry6 Bedford st; [h] 3 Castle villaswine & spirit merchant
BATESGeorge4 Wallbridge courttown crier
BAXTERJohnCainscross road, Downfield villa
BAXTERWalter William11 Castle streetpainter
BAXTERWynne Edwin, DL, JPBisley rd, The Granvilles & 170 Church st, Stoke Newington N, & Constitutional club, London SW
Baxter & StephensCainscross roadhop merchants
Baxter, Nathaniel & SonSlad roadbuilders
Baylis, Harriett & Louisa(Misses)Bisley road, 2 Granville villasprivate school
BEAVISHenry RSlad roadbuilder & contractor
BECKEllen [Elizabeth?] (Mrs)Pagan hillpost office
BECKHenry James25 Nelson stbutcher & beer retailer
BELLAndrew (exors of)56 High streetlinen drapers
BENNETTAlbert CharlesSummer streetfarmer
BENNETTArthur Frederick1 & 2 Gloucester streethotel keeper, Ye Old Painswick inn; good accommodation for cyclists & travellers &c; stabling; coach houses &c; posting
BERRYMANBenjamin107 Slad roadcarpenter
BERRYMANMrsSlad rd, Uplands cottage
BEVANElizabeth (Mrs)11 Slad roadapartments
BEVANRev. John, MA?vicar of All Saints (Iron) church, Uplands
Billett & Co5 Russell streethatters
BINGHAMMary (Miss)7 Slad roadapartments
BIRCHMissSlad rd, Woodlands grove
BIRDThomas CKing street; Telephone 0279hotel keeper, The Royal George family & commercial hotel & posting house; jobmaster & funeral carriage proprietor; billiards, bowling, tennis etc
BIRTFrederick James4 Union streetwatch maker
BIRTGeorge4 & 5 High street;
[h] Springfield road, Clifton villas
BISHOPGeorge Henry(see Woolmer & Bishop)grocer
BISHOPHenry28 Chapel streetcabinet maker
BISHOPHenry HallBeeches green, Cooper's hill
BISHOPMissLondon road, Castledean
BISHOPWilliam58 Parliament street;
[h] London rd, Brick house
BISHOPWilliam HillGloucester st;
[h] Park rd, Richmond house
fishmonger & game dealer
Biss, Charlotte & Emily(Misses)66 High streetmilliners & drapers
BLANCHHenry AlbertPagan hill, Hillfield
BLISSJoseph136 Slad roadfurniture remover
Boots Cash Chemists (Western) Ltd23 Russell street
BOWERMANGeorge67 Middle streetshopkeeper
BOWNJohn HenryCallowell house
Bown & CoLansdown, Steam mineral water manufactorymanufacturers of soda, seltzer & all kinds of mineral waters, lemonade, gingerade & ginger beer; established 1836; member of UDC
BOWYEREllen (Mrs)25 High streetcoffee tavern
BRADSHAWJohn James S59 Parliament streetconfectioner
BRAINThomas1 Castle street
BREWERHenry JesseStratford road, Edelweiss
BRINKWORTHArthur Henry7 Whitehallbaker & post office
BRINKWORTHWalter36 Tower hillbeer retailer
BROWNChristopher11 Parliament streetshopkeeper
BROWNINGHenry Charles17 Gloucester streetbutcher
BROWNINGMrsStratford road
BROWNJOHNCharles54 Parliament street;
[h] 20 Church street
shopkeeper; shoe maker
BROWNJOHNCharles, jun55 Parliament streetboot maker
BRUTONAlfred WilliamStratford road
BRYANTJohn21 George streetantique furniture & old china dealer; old oak & other furniture &c
BUCHANANErnestPark road, Grosvenor house
BULLOCKHenryParliament streetmilk dealer
BULLOCKMorgan148 Slad roadconfectioner
BURDOCKEllen (Mrs)55 Lansdownapartments
BURRUSEdmund44 Middle streetcab proprietor
BURRUSSamuelUpper Leazeschimney sweep
BUSCOMB(E)John, MRCVS26 Lansdownveterinary surgeon
BUTCHERTheophilusBisley Old road & Summer sttailor
BUTCHERWilliam John24 Gloucester streetathletic outfitter & agent for all kinds of goods for football, cricket, hockey, croquet, lawn tennis, golf, polo, physical exercise &c
Butcher & CoLondon rdmilliners & furniture dealers
BUTTAlfredSlad roadshopkeeper
BUTTGeorgeBowbridgegrocer & post office
BUTTHenry112 Slad roadshopkeeper
BUTTJoseph35 London road
Butt & SonWallbridgecoal dealers
BUTTERFIELDJamesBisley rd, 3 Granville villashouseholder
CAPELLieut-Col WilliamThe Grove, Stroudmagistrate
Capital & Counties Bank Ltd (The)draw on head office: 39 Threadneedle street, London E CHigh street (branch)Edward Weedon WINTERBOTHAM, manager
CARTERHenry38 Summer streetbaker
CARTERJosephBisley road, Clarence villahouseholder
CARTWRIGHTMarcus Gage, JP[h] Slad road, The Gableswoollen cloth manufacturer; magistrate
(see Northcott Cartwright & Co)
CASSACASylvester8 Gloucester streethardware dealer
Castle street School(av: 188 girls & 125 infants)Castle streetMiss Catherine SMITH, girls' mistress;
Mrs Hannah PEER, infants' mistress
Catholic Convent Of StRoseBeeches greenRev. Mother, prioress
Catholic School (voluntary)(av: 100 children)Beeches greenthe children are taught by the Dominican sisters of St Rose's Convent
CemeteryBisley roadFrederick WINTERBOTHAM, clerk to the joint burial committee; George HOLMES, supt.
CETTAJohn & JuliusHigh sthardware & watch dealers
CHAMBERSEllen (Mrs)Nelson st, Laurel villaapartments.
CHAMBERSFrancis AlfredBowbridge, The Elms
CHAMBERSHenry George10 Nelson streettailor
CHAMBERSHenryLondon roadwheelwright
CHAMBERSJ WilliamNelson streetwheelwright & carriage builder; furniture; vans wagons, trolleys & floats &c.; india rubber tyres speciality
CHAMBERSWilliam ClutterbuckBowbridge, Thrupp housewool & cloth dyer;
a principal landowner
CHAMPIONJohn WilliamDaisyfield Park rd
CHAMPIONLlewellyn(see Davis & Champion)auctioneer &c
CHANDLERHenry George William14 Lower streetinsurance agent & shopkeeper
CHANDLERThomasBath placeshopkeeper
CHAPMANGeorge Thomas4 Gloucester st;
[h] Bisley road, 1 Newland villas
CHAPPELLJohn HenryBisley Old roadshopkeeper
CHAUNDYEdward MartinBisley road, Tynwaldteacher of music
CHEWSarah Frances (Mrs)Russell stmusic warehouse
Chew, Thomas L & Sons24 King streetmanufacturing & furnishing ironmongers; mediaeval & art metal workers; iron casement makers; gasfitters; plumbers & general smiths
Church street School(av: 235 boys)Church streetGeorge Harper FERNELEY, master
CHURCHESFrances (Mrs)133 Slad roadapartments
CLARKCaroline (Miss)51 Lansdownmusic teacher
CLARKEJamesParliament streetbaker
CLARKEMissTrinity road
CLARKEThomas JamesBisley road, Norwood cottage builder, contractor, carpenter, joiner, undertaker &c; member of UDC
CLIFTAlfred John3 Rowcroftwoollen cloth merchant
CLISSOLDWilliam2 Rowcroftarchitect
CLOSECharlotte (Mrs)52 London roadapartments
CLUTTERBUCKArthur2 Russell streettobacconist
CLUTTERBUCKFlorence Lilian (Miss)28 Middle streetprivate school
CLUTTERBUCKRichardNelson street, Nelson house
Clutterbuck, Richard & Son14 High stfurniture brokers
COLEYSamuel James57 High st & 24 King st;
[h] 1 Castle villas
COLLEDGEThomas Charles, L.D.S.Glas15 Lansdowndentist
COLLINSWilliamKing streetprinter, bookseller, bookbinder, stationer & news agent etc& registrar of marriages
Colwell, Ernest & Co49 High streetgrocers
COOKFrederick52 Acre streetbeer retailer
COOKEAlfred Square, MBCS.Eng, LSA.LondBadbrook housesurgeon; senior surgeon to the Stroud general hospital & medical officer to the workhouse & public vaccinator, No.1 district Stroud union
COOKEArthur SydneyPagan hillbuilder, contractor & monumental mason; ecclesiastical work a speciality
COOKEMartin Alfred, MRCS.Eng, LRCP.Lond19 Lansdownsurgeon; medical officer for No.1 district Stroud union & surg-capt to the 2nd VB Gloucester Regiment
COOLEAbel OrlandoBowbridge laneshopkeeper
Co-Operative Society LtdChapel street & 50 High streetWilliam ALDRIDGE, manager
CORDENSMissPark road
CORDWELLSusannah (Mrs)Bowbridgegrocer
County CourtTown Hall officesAlfred John Morton BALL, registrar & high bailiff
County Police StationGloucester streetWiIliam HARRISON, superintendent
COWARDWilliam2 High street;
[h] Bisley road, Myrtle lodge
tailor; member of UDC
COXAlbert HenryBisley rd, 4 Granville villasmill manager
COXFrederick William40 London roadhouseholder
COXRichard Edwin3 George streettailor
CRADDOCKEmma (Mrs)7 High streethosiery knitter
CRANSTOUNElizabeth (Miss)Abbotsford collegeboarding school
CRANSTOUNJames, LL.DRoxburgh house
CRATCHLEYAlfred Thomas19 Cainscross roadplasterer
CRATCHLEYThomasl & 2 Kendrick stglass & china dealer
Cratchley BrothersRussell streetmonumental masons
CRAWSHAWJames15 Russell streetlocal manager of the Gloucestershire Echo
CRIPPSGeorge14 King streetfruiterer & seedsman
CROSBYHenry Man, MB, CM.Edin16 Nelson stsurgeon
CUBITTSidney23 Lower street
CULLIMOREHenryLondon roadhay dealer
CURTISJohn73 Chapel streetbeer retailer
CUTLERGeorgeCainscross road
DABNEYHenryBisley roadsuperintendent of the British Workmen's & General Asssurance Co Ltd
DAMSELLGeorge ThomasParliament streetfish dealer
DANGERFIELDThomas5 Gloucester street;
[h] Park road, Surrey lodge
beer retailer; general carrier & furniture remover; pleasure brake & cab proprietor; cider & perry merchant; carrier to Gloucester, daily
DARKESamuel Bird21 Gloucester streetbutcher
DASHGeorge WalterJohn streettobacconist
DAVIDSONJohn WoodvillePainswick rd
DAVIESAlbert Barnes, LRCP.Lond., MRCS.Eng14 Lansdownsurgeon
Davis & Champion16 Kendrick streetauctioneers, surveyors, land & estate agents & valuers
DAVISAlbert Barnes14 Lansdown
DAVISAlfred EdwinStratford roadclerk
DAVISAlice (Miss)8 Chapel streethosiery knitter
DAVISEdward CharlesRowcroft; [h] 1 Whitehallsolicitor; perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths; clerk to justices & commissioners of taxes
DAVISGeorge5 Union streettailor
DAVISJoseph ThomasJohn streetrope & twine maker
DAVISJfrom Imperial hotelcarrier to Nailsworth, twice daily
DAVISRev. Charles AlfredBowbridge lane, Berkshire houseminister of Baptist chapel, John street
DENTONDaniel44 London road
DICKENSONJoseph23 High streetgrocer & agent for W & A Gilbey Ltd wine & spirit merchants
Dickenson & Prosser2 Wallbridgecoal merchants
DORINGTONSir John Edward, bart, MP, MA, DLLypiatt park, Stroudmagistrate
DOWELLAlfred Thomas26 Acre stestate & house agent
DOWNINGWilliam GPendower villa
DRINKWATERJoseph12 Wallbridge;
[h] Slad rd, Stubton house
grocer & baker
DUDBRIDGEFrancis John29 Middle streetbuilder
DUDBRIDGEJohnSpringfield road
DUDBRIDGEStephen James8 Lansdownpublic auditor & chartered accountant; vice-chairman of UDC
Dudbridge S J & Sons8 Lansdownaccountants
DULLIMOREMrs46 Slad road
DUNSFORDArthurRowcroft; [h] Rowcroft housemanager of LIoyds Bank & treasurer to the Stroud UDC; to the Stroud general hospital & to the Stroud Water Navigation Co
EARLEJohn WatermanLondon road, Ashcroft
Eastmans Ltd4 Kendrick street &
8 & 45 High street
EDDELS--George streetcarrier to Chalford, daily ('bus)
EDDELSHfrom Railway hotelcarrier to Stonehouse, daily
EDMONDSPauI Nettleton(firm Libby Edmonds & Co)woollen cloth manufacturer
EDWARDSEdwin3 Union streetgreengrocer
EDWARDSMrsBisley road, El Teb cottage
ELLICOTTHis Honor Judge Arthur Becher, MAThe Culls, Stroudmagistrate
ELLIOTTGeorge OExchange buildingsassessor & collector of income tax &c; vaccination officer
ELLIOTTJohn52 High street;
[h] 45 Slad road
printer, stationer, bookseller, book binder & publisher of the Stroud Household Almanack & Directory
ELLIOTTJohn Henry10 Russell streetphotographer
ELLISJohn7 Lower street
ELVYThomas WilliamBisley Old road, Y-coed
ENGLISHRichard52 London road
ENGLISHThomas William57 Lansdown
English & Sons52a London roadbuilders
ENGLISHMANNlsaac27 Slad roadinnkeeper, Fountain inn
ESTOPJamesHigh st, Exchange bldgscommercial traveller
EVANSWatson Benjamin ErnestPagan hillbaker & shopkeeper
Excelsior Engineering CoLtd(The)Bowbridge; Telegrams "Excelsior, Bowbridge"gas engine makers; steam engine makers; iron & brass founders & general engineers &c &c
EXELLMissBisley rd, 1 Devon cottage
EXONFrances Helen (Mrs)1 Cainscross rdconfectioner
FACEWatson JohnProspect placecommercial traveller
FARRARWalter11 Kendrick streetconfectioner
FARRARWilliam D17 Russell street
& at Cirencester.
Telegrams "W D Farrar":
[h] Bisley road, Parkstone villa
coal proprietor; factor & merchant; member of UDC; quotations given & truck loads to any station. Telephones at both addresses.
FARRERRobert Samuel11 High streetchemist
FAWKESArthur F CSlad rd, The Cottage
FAWKESMrs SylvanusDownfield, Grafton house
Fawkes & Son8 Kendrick street
& 43 High street
grocers & agents for W&A Gilbey Ltd, wine & spirit merchants
Fawkes BrothersTown flourmills; Telegrams "Fawkes Brothers, Stroud"; Telephone 60 Nationalmillers & seed, hay, straw, corn & cake merchants
FERNELEYGeorge HarperSpringfield road, Albion Villaschoolmaster
FERRABEEMrs.25 Lower street
Fidler, Jane & Sarah(Misses)7 Rowcroftladies' outfitters
FIELDJohn42 Lower streetchimney sweeper
FIELDINGJohn24 Lansdownapartments
Fire Brigade (Urban District Council)Market placeJesse Tannner, captain
Fire Brigade (Volunteer)Market placePhillp Ford, captain
FISHERAlfredUpper Leazesbeer retailer
FISHERWilliam Henry Cox6 Rowcroft;
[h] Bisley rd, Rock villa
civil engineer & architect
Fletcher, W & R Ltd10 Kendrick streetbutchers
FLIGHTEmily (Miss)26 Middle streetapartments
FLIGHTJoseph Benjamin13 London roadpub keeper, Sun Dial
FLIGHT--from Royal George tapcarrier to Kingstanley, daily
FLOOKJohnBisley road, 1 Argyle villahouseholder
FORBESEllen (Mrs)Pagan hillmilliner
FORDAlfred Thomas, FCA(see Restall & Ford)auctioneer & chartered accountant
FORDRowlandSpringfield road, 1 Upland villas
FORDWilliam Henry Rogers8 Rowcroftaccountant (firm Restall & Ford)
Ford, Philip & SonSlad roadgovernment contractors; undertakers & builders
FOSTERBrooksbank (Miss)49 London roadseed dealer
FOWLES--from Railway hotelcarrier to Avening, mon & fri
FOXRev. Canon George, LL.BLansdown, Vicaragevicar of parish church
FRANCISSidney(see Solomon & Francis)boot maker
FRANKLINAlfred27 Nelson streetshoe maker
FRANKLINEdwin19 Russell streetbeer retailer
Freebury, John William & Son3 London rdstone engravers
FURLEYAlice Amy (Miss)9 Chapel streetdress maker
GARDNERArthur Henry39 London roadhouseholder
GARDNERCharles B13 King streethatter
GARDNERCharlesBisley rd, 3 Newland villas
GARDNERFrederick DyerUpper Springfield rd
GARDNERLewis SBeeches green, Alexandra lodge
Gardner & Gardner21 Gloucester streetpainters
Gardner & Sons6 King streetplumbers & decorators
GARRETTEdward34 High streetshopkeeper
GARRETTMissBisley rd, 2 Devon cottages
GAYMrs4 Whitehall
GAYRichardSlad roadfarmer
General HospitalTrinity roadAlfred Square COOKE; Frederick William STORRY MRCS & Albert Barnes DAVIES, LRCP.Lond, surgeons; Alfred W WALLER, LRCP.Lond, hon assistant surgeon; William Morgan JAMES, MRCS.Eng, LRCP.Lond, house surgeon; Miss Margaret RUSSELL, matron
General Supply Stores Co8 George streetW A RYDER, manager
GIBSONJamesBisley road, Seymour lodgehouseholder
GIBSONMarion J (Mrs)28 Lansdownboarding house
GILLFrank George15 High streetironmonger
GILLMANWilliam Hobbs3 King streethatter & hosier
GILMANCharles8 Castle street
GILMANMiss4 Castle villas
Gloucester CitizenNewspaper
(branch office)
55 London rdHector COLES, manager; published every evening
Gloucestershire Echo(branch)15 Russell streetJames CRAWSHAW, local manager
Gobbi Bros22 King stbirmingham & sheffield warehouse
GODFREYJoseph11 Gloucester streetdining rooms
GODSELLEdward SSalmon's house
GODSELLGeorge WilliamThe Grangemember of UDC
GODSELLJames UriahStratford court
GODSELLMrsSalmon's house
GODSELLMrs MargaretStratford lawn
GODSELLThomas HenryBeeches green, The Lawn
Godsell & SonsSalmon's Spring brewerybrewers & wine & spirit merchants
GODWINPercy William22 Nelson stpub keeper, Duke of York
GOSECharlotte (Mrs)26 Slad roadapartments
GRAYAda (Mrs)20 Lansdownapartments
Great Western RailwayRichard ROBERTS, station master
GREENSTREETWilliam John, M.A.Cainscross rdhead master, Marling school
GRIFFINAnnie (Miss)5 Lansdowndress maker
GRIMESJoseph30 Gloucester streethorse breaker
GUILDFORDCaroline (Mrs)Uplands, Middle streetshopkeeper & beer retailer
GUILDFORDThomasLondon roadcycle dealer
GUILDINGWalter33 High streetconfectioner
GWINNELLJosephBisley rd, Camden lodge
Gyde, Bishop & CoLondon roadwool dyers
HABGOODAlbert George10 Chapel streetbeer retailer
HACKWOODThomas, FRCO17 Lansdownmusic teacher
HAFFENDENRev. L[Bisley road]minister of Baptist chapel, Lansdown
HAGGERLily Marie S (Mrs)Slad road, Uplands collegeladies' boarding & day school
HAGUEAnnie Esther (Miss)17 Nelson streetflorist
HALLEYJoseph Henry11 Whitehallhouseholder
HANBIDGESamuel Righton42 Slad road
HARDYHenry Louis Preston, LRCP, MRCS.Eng11 Rowcroftsurgeon & certifying factory surgeon
HARMANMary (Mrs)Bisley Old roadshopkeeper
HARMERRaymond James20 Nelson streethair dresser
HARPERGeorge EdwardPagan hillbuilder
HARRISThomasUplands, Middle streetshoe maker
HARRISONCharlesBisley road, Darlington villadesigner
HARRISONGeorge Edward22 Lansdown
HARRISONWalter GeorgeChurchfield rdcoach painter &c
HAWKINSBenjamin, junBisley Old roadbeer retailer & shopkeeper
HAWKINSRev. Edward Hugh, MAWhitehall, Holy Trinity vicaragevicar of Holy Trinity & chaplain to tbe Workhouse; member of UDC
HAYNESJames2 Summer streetpub keeper, Cross Hands
HAYNESThomas13 Russell streetfishmonger
HAYWARDElizabeth (Mrs)Uplandsdress maker
HAYWARDWilliam43 Lower streetplasterer
HEELASArchibald Hay Grant10 Rowcroftsolicitor
Hemming, G & SonBowbridge lanewheelwrights
HENRYJames16 Lansdowntravelling draper
HERBERTAlfred19 Nelson streetgreengrocer
HERBERTWilliam HawkinsPainswick, Paradise housemagistrate
HEYDENJohnfrom Royal George tapcarrier to Miserden, tues & fri, 4pm
HILLMrs9 Slad road
HILLRichard, junCallowell farmfarmer
Hill & Son1 King streetironmongers
Hilliers' Bacon Curing Co Ltd16 High stprovision dealers
Hilton, Stephen & Sons64 High streetboot makers
HOBBSAlfred JosephUpper Springfield road, Lynton villa
HOBBSWalter24 George street; [h] Stratford roadconfectioner; caterer & refreshment contractor; manufacturer of bride cakes &c.; table requisites on hire;
member of UDC
HODGESFrancis R2 Middle streettinplate worker
HOGGAdolphusBisley Old rdbeer retailer & shopkeeper
HOGGAlbertNew Bisley roadbeer retailer
HOGGGeorgeUpper Leazesbeer retailer
HOGGMary (Mrs)63 Tower hillbeer retailer
HOLBOROWUlrichBowbridge lane, The Field
HOLDERWatsonSummer streetbeer retailer
HOLLANDCharles William29 Lower street;
office, 3 Lansdown
assistant overseer & collector of poor rates for Stroud & deputy registrar of births & deaths for Stroud sub-district
HOLLANDEdwardBisley road, 1 Cotswold villasregistrar of births & deaths & relieving officer, No1 district Stroud union
HOLLANDEdwinStratford roadmanaging clerk; vestry clerk
HOLLANDGeorge EdwardMerry walks, Mill housebrewers' traveller
HOLLOWAYGeorge John, JPCainscross road, The Hillchairman of UDC
HOLLOWAYMrsFarm Hill house
Holloway Brothers LtdThreadneedle street
& Kendrick street
wholesale clothiers
HOLMESGeorgeBisley rdsuperintendent of the cemetery
Home & Colonial Stores Ltd62 High streetprovision merchants
HOOPERDaniel9 Middle streetfurniture broker
HORDERP Morley2 Rowcroftarchitect
HORLERJames51 High streetpub keeper, Bedford Arms
HORTONThomas Leonard2 Lansdown; Telegrams "Horton, Stroud". Telephone 3stock & share broker
HORWOODAnnie Mary (Miss)14 George streetmilliner
HORWOODMarkTrinity road
Horwood & Co10 George streetfancy repository
HOWARDMissesBeeches green
HOWELLFrank46 & 47 High stpub keeper, Nelson & gasfitter
HUCKWOODThomas17 Lansdown
HUGHESAlfred SCainscross rd, The Firs
HUGHESEdwin George63 High streettobacconist
HUGHESFrederickHorns roadshopkeeper
HUGHESHugh25 Gloucester streetproprietor & publisher Stroud Weekly Press newspaper
HUNTAlfredChurchfield road, Rockhillshopkeeper
HUNTHenry21 Nelson streetwatch maker
HUNTJohn WilliamUpper Leazescoal dealer & shopkeeper
HUNTMrsfrom Swancarrier to Bisley-with-Lypiatt, 1pm daily
HYAMCharles3 Tower hillcommon lodging house
HYDEArthur31 Chapel streetbeer retailer & shopkeeper
HYDEJoseph50 Slad road
HYETTFrancis Adams esq, BAPainswick house, Stroudchairman of the magistrates
INGRAMWilliam TSlad road, Coombe bank
Inland Revenue Office2 Threadneedle streetEdward JG COCKETT, supervisor;
James MURRAY & Duncan MacMILLAN, 2nd class officers
IREDALEJamesPark rd, Landour villa
IRELANDM Efrom Imperial hotelcarrier to Painswick, daily
IRELANDPeterBisley Old roadcertified bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment Act
ISACKEJesse HaroldGloucester streetbeer retailer
ISACKERose Stella (Miss)Stratford roadladies' school
JACOBRev. Elijah32 Middle streetCongregational minister
JACQUESGeorge WilliamBowbridgeboot maker
James, G H & Co Ltd14 Russell st; Telegrams "James, Printers". Telephone 26 Natwholesale stationers, printers, lithographers, die stampers &c
JEFFERIESEliza (Mrs)Springfield rdshopkeeper & post office
JEFFRIESThomasBisley rd, Bloomfield villahouseholder
JENNINGSJamesBisley Old roadgrocer
JOHNSONArthur25 & 26 George st; Telegrams "Johnson"draper, milliner, ladies' & children's outfitter &c
JONESAlfred50 London roadcommercial traveller
JONESDaniel37 London roadcorn merchant
JONESFitzroySpringfield road, 2 York villas
JONESMrsBisley road
JUKESMrs5 Castle villas
JURISCHGeorge2 John streethair dresser; perfumer & wig maker;
families attended at own residences
KALLENDKatherine (Mrs)15 Nelson streetdress maker
KEENA (Mrs)1 Bisley Old roadshopkeeper
KEENEWilliam HenryBowbridge lanecabinet maker
KEMPSELLKenardPost office: Russell street;
[h] Cainscross Road, Ivanhoe villas
Post master
KIMMINSJames Charles esqRodborough, Lightpill housemagistrate
KINGJosiah16 George streetwatch maker
KITTOWCharles (1 of 2?)9 Russell streetdraper
KITTOWCharles (1 of 2?)Swan lanehair dresser
Kittow, Annie (Mrs) & Co32a High streetdrapers & milliners
KNEEWilliam8 London road
KNIGHTRichardSwan lanebrazier
LACH-SZYRMARev. Philip Isidore, MAUpper Springfield road, 2 Prospect villascurate of Slad
LAFFORDJ WBowbridge road
LAIDLAWJohn22 High streetbaker
LAMBERTCharles36 London road & Great Western Station yardcoal merchant; member of UDC
LAMBOURNHenryWallbridgemiller (steam & water)
LANCASTERJamesHorns roadboot maker
LAWRENCEGeorge61 High streettea dealer
LAWSONFrances Tealor (Mrs)adjacent to GWR stationhotel keeper, Imperial family & commercial hotel & posting house; billiards, posting &c.
LAWSONVincent Alexander, AM.lnst.CE, FSA17 Rowcroftcivil engineer; architect; surveyor & valuer
LEACHJohnCallowellbeer retailer
LEEEmma (Mrs)15 Wallbridgeshopkeeper
LEEFrederick Thomas27 High streettailor
LEEJames29 High streetstationer & news agent
LEEJohnWallbridgeinnkeeper, Ship inn
LENDONIsaac1 London roadcoach builder
LEVYIsaac135 Slad roadtailor
LEWISJ WPark hill, Inchbrook
LEWISJohn Beckett2 Rowcroftarchitect
Lewis & Godfrey Ltd27, 28, 29 & 30 King street & 1 & 2 Russell street; Telephone 61 Natgeneral drapers; silk mercers; milliners; mantle makers; carpet warehousemen & complete house furnishers &c
LIBBYMrsSlad rd, New Mills court
Libby, Edmonds & CoSlad Road, New millswoollen cloth manufacturers
Lipton Ltd65 High stgrocers & provision merchants
LITTLEEdward Palling2 Rowcroftsolicitor & commissioner for oaths (firm Little & Mills)
LITTLELieut-Col John CaruthersPitchcombe house, Stroudmagistrate
Little & Mills2 Rowcroftsolicitors
LITTLEWOODJohnPark road, Westminster house
LLEWELLYNHenry30 High streetfishmonger
Lloyds Bank Ltdopen daily 10-3; thurs 10-1; fri 10-4; draw on London office: 72 Lombard st, E CRowcroftArthur DUNSFORD, manager
London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Co Ltd13 Kendrick streetJohn E BASSETT, supt.
LONGFORDThomasParliament streetbaker & shopkeeper
LUDGATEDavid Hooper15 George streetsaddler
LUKERWilIiam Henry9 Cainscross road;
8 Lower street
beer retailer;
LUSCOMBEEdmund2 Rockville Slad rd
LUSCOMBEMary (Mrs)9 Castle streetmilliner
Luscombe, Edmund & Son6 George streetpractical saddlers; collar & harness makers & every description of horse clothing; stable requisites &c&c
LUSTYCharles7 Cainscross roadfurniture dealer
LUSTYFrankSlad road, Wade's farmfarmer
LUSTYStephenUplands rd, 2 Lorne villas
MADGEFrederick1 Rowcroftdeputy superintendent registrar of births marriages & deaths
MALLETTAdolphus GeorgePagan hillinnkeeper, Rose inn
MARCHANTAaron Benjamin12 High street innkeeper, White Lion & dining rooms
MARGETSONWilliamDownfield, Brightside
MARKSHarryBisley road, Oakleigh villahouseholder
Marling SchoolCainscross roadWilliam John Greenstreet, MA; assistant masters Ernest P BARRETT, BA,Matthew HUGHES, BA, A H BARTLETT, John Albert BLAIR, BA
MARSHEliza (Mrs)Bowbridge lanebaker
MARSHALLMark Bell, JPUplands, Northfieldmagistrate; UDC member
MARTINJohn Middleton, BA, MB, BC6 Rowcroftmedical officer of health, Stroud rural district & Nailsworth urban district
MARTINRobert Bull11 Acre streetfishmonger
MASSY-DAWSONMrsSlad road, Coombe bank
MAYThomasParliament streetbeer retailer
Maypole Dairy Co Ltd60 High streetbutter & margarine sellers
McCANNRobert23 Lansdown
McKELLARDanielBowbridge lane, Devonshire house
MERRETTFrederick William24 Nelson stumbrella maker
MERRETTMarkSwan laneumbrella maker
Merrett BrothersRussell streetphotographers
Mid-Gloucester Conservative & Unionist Registration AssociationRussell streetThomas Henry BARROW, hon sec, Conservative club
Midland RailwayEdwin ALLEN, station master
Midland Railway Co Parcel Receiving Offices17 Kendrick streetWGERARD, agent
MILES--from Royal George tapcarrier to Eastington, daily
MILESWilliam EdwardThreadneedle stboot maker
MILLConstance (Mrs)78 Tower hillshopkeeper
MILLERAlfred15 Gloucester streetironmonger
MILLERCharles Albert11 Lansdowncycle dealer
MILLERGeorge18 Tower hillgreengrocer
MILLSHenry Hamilton2 Rowcroftsolicitor (firm Little & Mills)
MILLSJoseph4 London roadcommission agent
Mills Brothers & Co58 & 59 High stgrocers & tea dealers
MILNESGeorge PercivalTown hall; [h] 2 Whitehallcivil engineer; architect & surveyor to the UDC
MITCHELLEbenezer47 Middle streetpub keeper, Bisley House
MITCHELLRobert2 King streetcabinet maker; upholsterer & valuer; carpet & rug warehouse & complete house furnisher &c; art furnishing warehouse
MONAGHANThomas53 High streetoutfitter
MOODYWilliamUnion streetposting stables
MOODYWilliam Herbert5 London roadcab proprietor
MOOREAnn (Mrs)48 Tower hillshopkeeper
MUNDAYHenry[Thrupp]attendance officer to Stroud school board
MURPHYJ H (Mrs)20 King streetpastrycook & confectioner & caterer for balls, public dinners, weddings &c; refreshment rooms
MURRAYJamesSlad roadinland revenue officer
MUSTARDElizabeth Anne (Mrs)8 Whitehallmilliner
MUTTONJulia (Mrs)4 Russell streetbeer retailer
MYERSMrs6 Castle villas
NASHMary (Mrs)Horns roadbeer retailer
NEATEThomas MartinUplands road, 1 Glenroy villas
NEEDMargaret A (Miss)Slad rd, Kent villaapartments
Nelmes, Poole & Atkinsoffices: John street
& at Monmouth
stock salesmen & general auctioneers; timber surveyors, valuers & public accountants; house estate & insurance agents; certified bailiffs &c
Nelson, James & Sons Ltd26 High streetbutchers
NEWSOMETom, ARCSCLansdownmaster, Science & Art schools
NEWTHWalter7 Gloucester streetpicture frame maker
NEWTONJosephSpringfield road
NIBLETTWilliam (1 of 2)9 Nelson streetinnkeeper, Golden Fleece inn
NIBLETTWilliam (1 of 2)6 Bisley Old roadchimney sweeper
NIBLETTWilliam Thomas7 Castle st
Niblett & CoUnion street (Telephone 0285)
& at Cheltenham
mineral water manufacturers
NICHOLMrsStratford rd, The Elms
NICHOLSArthur23 Church streetcarpenter
NORRISJohn Lapage3 Bedford street; & at Stonehousesolicitor & commissioner for oaths
NORTHCOTTRichard WilliamSlad rd, New Mills court
Northcott, Cartwright & CoSlad roadwoollen cloth manufacturers
NORTONJames HerbertStratford road, The Ferns
OCKFORDHelen Mary (Mrs)54 Lansdowncostume & mantle maker
OKEYAnne (Miss)20 George streetboot maker
OLIVERGeorge6 Kendrick streetboot & shoe maker
ORCHARDInkermanBowbridge, Ulsterville
ORCHARDJoseph17 Tower hillchina & earthenware dealer
Orchard & PeerBowbridge; & at Rodboroughbuilders & contractors; painters & plumbers
OSBORNEGeorge28 Tower hillmarine store dealer
OSBORNEThomas Skipp37 Lower st
OWENJohn ThomasUnion streetinnkeeper, Union inn
PAINEMrsCastle st, Corbett house
PARKSidney Benyon26 King street; 28 George street & 5a High st; [h] 21 Lansdowndraper
PARKINSONSelina (Mrs)18 Gloucester stwatch maker
Parliament street School(av: 180 children & 124 infants)Parliament streetMiss Alice DORE, mistress;
Miss Emily GRIST, infants' mistress
PARSONSWilliamTown hallsanitary inspector to Stroud urban district council
PARTRIDGEFrank Harry7 George streethair dresser
PARTRIDGEHarriet (Mrs)33 Middle streetapartments
PARTRIDGEJohn59 Middle streetgreengrocer
PARTRIDGEThomas, MRCP.lrel, MRCS.EngBowbridge, Bowbridge housesurgeon & medical officer of health, Stroud union & Stroud & Nailsworth UDC
PARTRIDGEWilliamHorns roadshoe maker
PAYNEElizabeth Honor (Miss)Slad roadmilliner
PAYNEGeorge Frederick(see Randall & Payne)accountant
PEACEYWiIliam RBeeches green, West grange
PEACHRev. James Lawrance, OPBeeches greenpriest of Immaculate Conception (Catholic) church, Beeches green
PEARCEHenry Thomas54 London roadblacksmith
PEARCEJohn8 Russell streetsaddler
PEERRobert Francis[h] Bowbridge, Devonianbuilder
(firm Orchard & Peer)
PEGLERHenryChurch streetshopkeeper & carrier to Gloucester, mon wed fri sat; & to Stonehouse, daily
PEGLERJohn JamesBisley Old roadfarmer & rent & debt collector
Pegler, Maria & Mary(Misses)24 Middle stpawnbrokers
PERRIAMMary (Mrs)Slad roadbeer retailer
PHELPSWilliam46 Tower hillplasterer & shopkeeper
PHILLIPSGeorgefrom Royal George tapcarrier to Arlingham, fri
PHILLIPSMrs LortStratford road, Stratford park
PICKARDThomas19 Chapel streetcarpenter
PLAYNEFrancis GeorgeGeorge streetsolicitor (firm Ball, Smith ,Upton & Playne)
PLESTEDEmily H (Mrs)34 Acre streetstationer
PLESTEDHenry27 Gloucester streetgrocer
POCKETTCharlesKing streethotel keeper, The Green Dragon hotel; well appointed rooms, recently redecorated throughout; billiards &c &c
PONDElizabeth (Mrs)17 Lower streetteacher of music
Poulton & Son98 Slad roadbuilders
POWELLChristopher46 Middle streetcabinet maker
POWELLGeorge (1 of 2?)74 Middle streetbaker &c
POWELLGeorge (1 of 2?)50 Lower streetbeer retailer
POWELLWilliam17 George streetinnkeeper, Post Office inn; seats may be booked here for Eddels' coaching excursions to places of interest in the neighbourhood throughout the summer months
PRATTEdwin16 & 17 Wallbridgeironmonger
PRICEEdward George21 Church streetbaker
PRICEHenry12 Gloucester streetpub keeper, Greyhound
Price, John & Son LtdLondon roadseedsmen &c
PRIDAYThomas DraperUpper Springfield road, Prospect villaapartments
PRINCEBenjamin Allen3 John street;
[h] Cainscross road, Ivanhoe villas
wholesale & retail woollen warehouse
PRITCHARDHenry21 London roadtailor
PRITCHARDRichard6 & 7 Wallbridgebeer retailer
PRITCHARDWilliamChurch streetcabinet maker
PROSSERReginald David(see Dickenson & Prosser)coal merchant
Public Benefit Boot Co4 George streetboot dealers
RACTLIFFCharles ArthurKilminster farmsurveyor of main roads, Stroud district
RACTLIFFWilliam JosephHill House farmfarmer
Randall & Payne5 Rowcroftaccountants & auditors
REDFERNEdmund1 & 2 George street;
[h] Bisley Old road, The Chestnuts
draper &c
Redman, George & Son27 George streetoutfitters
REESMrs22 Lower street
REEVEGeorgeBellevue road
Restall & Ford8 Rowcroft; Telephone 0286 Nationalauctioneers, accountants, auditors & arbitrators; valuers & house & estate agents
REVELLThomas Edward67 High stboot & shoe maker
REYNOLDSSamuelGreat Western roadcab proprietor
REYNOLDSStephen John6 High streettailor
RICHARDSSidneySlad rd, Acton housecommercial traveller
RICKETTSEllen (Mrs)18 Russell streetconfectioner
RICKETTSMrs53 Slad road
RIDLERGeorge61 Lower streetapartments
RINEElizabeth (Mrs)Middle hillshopkeeper
ROBERTSJohnBisley rd, Oxford villa
ROBERTSMrsCainscross road
ROBERTSMrsCainscross road, Lower Gannicox
ROBERTSRichardGreat Western station master
ROBERTSRichard Jones36 High streetpub keeper, Crown
ROBERTSWallace George13 Nelson streetgreengrocer
RODWAYOpieTower hill
ROSSRev. Richard MyrtleBisley road, Bideford villaminister of Congregational chapel, Old Chapel street
ROWEJosiah Thomas(see Wood & Rowe)
[h] Downfield, Ashton villa
coal merchant
RUSSELLAlbert43 Slad road
Sampson & Co LtdLower stbelting manufacturers (leather, hair, cotton &c); Edward F SARGEANT, manager
SANSOMMrsWillow cottage Slad rd
SARGEANTAlfred Hicks15 King streetsaddler
SARGEANTEdward FrankLinden villamember of UDC
SCARLETTThomas Keens12 Nelson streetcarver & gilder
School Of Science & ArtLansdownWilliam H C Fisher, sec; Tom NEWSOME, ARCSC, master; W J SMITH, art master
SCOTTGeorgina (Miss)Bisley Old roadtailoress
SCOTTJulia (Miss)7 Lansdowndress maker
SCOTTMatthew WilliamMiddle hill, HiIlside villamanaging clerk
SELWAYSheldon1 Bedford streetorganist & teacher of the banjo; piano; organ &c
SHANEIsaac MSlad roadtailor; secretary of synagogue
SHEANThomas8 Wallbridgebeer retailer
SHELDONMissUplands, Middle street, Liskeard villa
SHELTONEdward18 King streetcarver & gilder
SHEPHERDNellie Victoria (Miss)16 & 17 King stcostumier & milliner
SHEWELLMrsUplands rd, 2 Glenroy villas
SHIPWAYAlfred Ernest56 Lansdowntailor
SIEVERSRudolph, LDS54 High street; & at 3 College green, Gloucestersurgeon dentist
SIMSWilliam ThomasUplands, Prestbury villasUDC member
Singer Manufacturing CoGeorge streetsewing machine manufacturers
SKINNERWalter ALansdown mewsfly proprietor
Slad road School(av: 80 girls & 40 infants)Slad roadMrs Georgina COLLINS, mistress
SLADEWilliam Joseph18 Nelson streetoutfitter
SLOMANHenry BenjaminMarket placeinnkeeper, Corn Hall; luncheons every day at 1.15pm; assembly room for dinners, concerts &c.; a corn market is held here every friday at 7pm
SMARTCharles Albert70 Middle streetchimney sweeper
SMARTWilliam35 Lower streetshopkeeper
SMITHA E17 George stpantomime proprietor & manager
SMITHBartley10 London roadcab proprietor
SMITHBenjamin6 Union streethair dresser
SMITHEliza (Mrs)23 Nelson streetshopkeeper
SMITHEsther (Miss)43 London roaddress maker
SMITHFrancis Joseph31 Middle streethouseholder
SMITHFrederick JamesHorns roadpub keeper, Crown & Sceptre
Smith, Hedley & Co54 High streetchemists
SMITHJ W7 King streethair dresser; wig maker & perfumer &c (established 1820)
SMITHJoseph4 Lansdown & 7 George stphotographer
SMITHRichard HenryGeorge streetsolicitor to deputy coroner for Stroud & Cirencester division (firm Ball, Smith, Upton & Playne)
Smith, R T & CoKendrick streetcarriers; railway & shipping agents; carriers to Brimscombe, Cainscross, Chalford, Dudbridge, Eastington, Ebley, Minchinhampton, Nailsworth, Painswick, Stonehouse & Woodchester
Smith, Rogers & Co Lim15 Russell stprovision sellers
SMITHSarah (Mrs)57 Tower hillshopkeeper
SMITHThomas DBowbridge, Gun housecommercial traveller
Smith, W H & SonRailway stationsnews agents
SMITHWilliamBath streetsuperintendent of the Stroud public swimming baths
SMITHWilliam Joseph23 Acre streetcabinet maker
SMITHZadokSlad road, Surrey villa
SNAPEWilliam JamesWallbridge;
[h] Wallbridge, Canal house
manager of Stroud Water Navigation Co & Thames & Severn Canal (The Gloucestershire County Council)
SOLLARSJamesGrange fieldsmilk seller
Solomon & Francis59 High streetboot & shoe makers
SOULMarkfrom Royal George hotelcarrier to Woodchester, daily
SPENCERFrederick28 Acre stchina & earthenware dealer
SPENCERJoseph9 & 10 High streetboot maker
SPILLARDAlbertBowbridgepub keeper, British Oak
SPRATT--from Railway hotelcarrier to Leonard Stanley, twice daily
Spring, Herbert William & SonSwan streetauctioneers, estate agents & valuers
STANTONMissesPagan hill, Upfield
STANTONCharles Holbrow esq, MAWhiteshill, Field placemagistrate
STANTONWalter John, JPStratford rdmagistrate
Star Tea Co Ltd24 High streetgrocers
STEELFrederick JamesConnage
Steel, Frederick & CoWallbridge works; & at Gloucester & Cheltenham. Telephone 58. Telegrams "Steel printer, Stroud"fine color & general printers & designers; account book makers & stationers
STEELEGeorge Henry19 Gloucester streetdraper
STEELEJohn Wynn3 Middle streetteacher of music
STEELEJoseph3 Middle streetcabinet maker
STEELEMrsBisley road, Fort view
STEELEMrsFolly lane, Upper Birches
Steele, Charles & Son99 Summer stbakers & millers (steam)
STEPHENSJosiah James(see Baxter & Stephens);
[h] Upper Gannicox
hop merchant
STEVENSCharles Robert10 Gloucester streetboot maker
STEVENSFlorence Miriam (Miss)18 Lansdownladies' day school
STOCKWELLChristopherWallbridgepub keeper, Bell
STONEAlfred56 Slad road
STONEHarry Smith9 Gloucester streetdining rooms
STONEJohn Joseph48 Lansdown
STONEJosephBisley road
STORRYFrederick William, MRCS.Eng, LRCP.EdinCainscross road, Dirleton housesurgeon; & hon surgeon to the Stroud general hospital
Strachan & CoLtdLodgemore & Frome Hall cloth mills; & Bowbridge dye works & at Rodboroughwoollen cloth manufacturers & dyers
STRANGESamuel May19 King streetgrocer
STREATFEILDRev. Leonard Rhawick, BA[Lansdown]curate of parish church
Stroud Brewery Company Ltd(The)Telephone 63(established 1760) brewers maltsters & wine & spirit merchants; ale & stout bottlers & mineral water manufacturers
Stroud ClubGeorge street, Subscription roomsEdward Northam WITCHELL, hon sec.; Henry J TWITCHETT, resident manager
Stroud Conservative Permanent Building Society8 RowcroftAlfred Thomas FORD, sec
Stroud Division Of Gloucestershire Liberal Association(The)22 LansdownGeorge EHARRISON, organising sec & registration agent
Stroud End School(av: 186 children; Painswick Board)Stroud EndWilliam E BUTLAND, master
Stroud Feoffees CharityBedford streetRobert Edward STUART, clerk
Stroud Football ClubJ J STEPHENS, captain & sec
Stroud Free LibraryLansdownAlfred T FORD & Frederick WINTERBOTHAM, hon secs; Henry TWISSELL, librarian
Stroud Gas Light & Coke CoCanal sideGeorge CUTLER, manager
Stroud Incorporated Chamber Of CommerceLansdownEdward Northam WITCHELL, sec
Stroud Journalpublished frioffice: LansdownWilliam THOMPSON, proprietor & publisher
Stroud Liberal Club Co Ltd9 LansdownWilliam George BROWNE, sec
Stroud News & Gloucestershire Advertiserpublished fridayGeorge street; National telephone No.19Thomas Henry BARROW publisher; circulates throughout tbe county; more particularly in the West of England cloth manufacturing districts; the mining neighbourhood of the Forest of Dean & agricultural districts of West Gloucestershire
Stroud Nurse's Home72 Middle streetMiss Winifred BERKS, matron
Stroud Provident Benefit Building SocietyRowcroftGeorge F PAYNE, sec
Stroud Public Swimming BathsBath streetWilliam SMITH, supt.
Stroud Urban District Council Sewage WorksTown hallGeorge P MILNES, MICE, engineer
Stroud Water Company11 John streetGeorge SCRIVEN, manager
Stroud Weekly Presspublished fri25 GIoucester streetHugh HUGHES, proprietor & publisher
Stroud (Or) Mid Gloucester Conservative Benefit SocietyRussell streetCharles BENNETT, sec
Stroudwater Navigation Company & Thames & Severn CanalWallbridgeWilliam James SNAPE, manager; (The Gloucestershire County Council)
STRUDWICKErnest WillieUpper Grange
STRUDWICKJohn CotterillUpper Grange
STRUGNELLHenrySlad rd, Grantham villas
STRUGNELLWilliam Bishop8 Slad road
STUARTRobert EdwardBedford street;
[h] Bisley road, Linstock lodge
solicitor & clerk to the Wheatenhurst union & to the rural district council; assessment; & school attendance committees & superintendent registrar for Wheatenhurst district & clerk to the commissioners of taxes for Whitstone district & clerk to feoffees of Stroud charities; member of UDC
Subscription RoomsGeorge streetF WINTERBOTHAM, hon sec;
Henry J TWITCHETT, resident manager
Sutton & CoTown hallcarriers; John ROBERTS, agent
SWANSONJohn?member of UDC
Swanson J & Co17 to 20 High streetlinen & general drapers & milliners
SYMONDSEsther (Mrs)51 London roadapartments
SYMONSGeorgeGeorge streetpub keeper, Swan
TANNERJesse53 Parliament streetbeer retailer
Taylor Brothers23; & tobacconists 26; Gloucester streetboot makers & cycle agents
Telephone Co42 London roadWilliam HODGETT, local manager
TERRETTWilliamStroud hillgrocer
THOMASCaroline (Mrs)Cainscross road, Far hillladies' school & boys' preparatory school
THOMASJohn7 Lansdowndyer
THOMASJohn EdwardBellevue road, Highfield
THOMASMrsCainscross road
[h] Slad road, Cleeve villas
printer, publisher & proprietor of Stroud Journal
THORNTONSidney Smith21 High streetgrocer
THORNEJamesBisley Old roadinsurance agent
THURLOWRev. Francis Ralph, BAThe Thruppcurate of Holy Trinity
TOMESTom Frederick23 King streethatter, hosier, glover, shirt & collar maker &c
Town HallMarket placeJohn ELLIOTT, manager
Townsend BrothersGeorge streetcarrier to Chalford, daily ('bus)
TOWNSENDRichard Woodruffe5 Whitehall
TOWNSENDWilliamLondon road, The Manse
Townsend R & Co LtdRoyal cake mills, Stroud; Telegrams "Townsend, Stroud"; Telephone 5 Stroudsole manufacturers of the Gloucestershire rapid fattening cake; corn seed cake & manure merchants & vi-grana manufacturers
TRATTJames HenryPark housemember of UDC
Truscott & Son Ltd12 Russell street; & at Stonehousecycle agents
TUCKWilliam Thomas20 Gloucester streetbeer & wine retailer & confectioner
TURNERWilliam GeorgeBeeches green, Elms
TYLERAnn (Mrs)1 & 52 Parliament stmarine store dealer
TYLERArthur George48 High stfurniture dealer
TYLERGeorge23 Middle street & 25 Acre stshoe maker
UPTONCharlesGeorge street;
[h] Slad rd, Tower house
solicitor (firm Ball, Smith, Upton & Playne)
Volunteers: 1st Gloucestershire Royal Engineers (H Co)Capt. C. A. APPERLEY; Surgeon-Capt. W. B. FERGUSSON, medical officer
Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Gloucestershire Regiment(C Co)Bowling green, Drill hallCapt Samuel Stanley MARLING, commanding; E A HOOPER & Charles Peter ALLEN, lieuts; Color-Sergt Frederick HAMBIDGE, drill instructor
Waghorne Brothers Ltd38 High streetbutchers
WALKERHerbert George20 Russell sthatter & hair dresser
WALKLEYAIbert EdwardCainscross roadcoach builder
WALLHarryUplands, Middle streetbeer retailer
WALLACEWllliamLower Lypiattfarmer
WALLERAlfred Whalley, LRCP.Lond, MRCS.Eng, DPHLondon road, Waldringfieldsurgeon & assistant surgeon to the Stroud hospital
Waller, Ernest B & CoKendrick street; Telegrams "Micrometer, Stroud"; Telephone 80engineers & commission agents
WARMANWilliam1 Rowcroft; [h] The Woodlandssolicitor; perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths; superintendent registrar for Stroud district
WATERMANWard7a Lansdowntailor
WATHENEdward8 Lansdown; [h] 12 Lansdownsolicitor
WATHENMissUplands, West view
WATHERNCharles1 & 2 Tower hillantique dealer
WATKINSHenry11 Whitehallplasterer
WATTSHenrietta (Mrs)42 Acre streetbeer retailer
WATTSRev. N?minister of Primitive Methodist chapel, Parliament street
WEBBEnos41 High streetpub keeper, King's Head
WEBBErnest21 Middle st; [h] Summer stbeer retailer & shopkeeper
WEBBJamesTower hillhaulier
WEBBThomasBeeches green
WEBBWilliam Henry26 Nelson streetfishmonger & marine store dealer
Wells, Walter & Son7 Russell streetwatch makers
WESTGfrom George tapcarrier to Sheepscombe, daily (except thurs) 4pm
WESTMACOTTWilliam HenryCallowell
WESTONGideon EvansLondon roadtailor
WESTONRufus Isaac14 Gloucester st
Weston, Rufus J & SonTown Timeclerical, military, gentlemen's & ladies' high class tailors & riding habit makers; hunting breeches a speciality;
WHEATLEYFrederickJohn stlithographic & general printer
Wheatley, Henry & CharlesBisley Old roadbuilders
WHILEYAlbert77 Tower hillbeer retailer
WHITEJohn (1 of 2)25 Lansdown
WHITEJohn (1 of 2)23 George stmusic & general printer; artists; colorman; stationer, bookseller, news agent, circulating library & depot for Christian Knowledge Society
WHITEMrsBisley rd, 4 Lypiatt villas
White, Catherine Elizabeth & Anne(Misses)Pagan hilldress makers
White, W I & Sons78 Middle streettailors
WHITING--from Royal George tapcarrier to Oakridge, mon wed fri sat
WILKSMiss7 London road
WILLIAMSCornelius28 High streetbutcher; member of UDC
WILLIAMSEdward42 High streettobacconist
WILLIAMSWilliam Joseph6 London roadclerk
WILLIAMSONMrsBisley road
Williamson, Tratt & Co LtdCheapside works; Telegrams "Williamson, Stroud"; Telephone 51 Natwholesale clothier
WILSONJohn HenryTown hall; [h] Stratford roadrate collector for the UDC
WILSONWalter John WilliamCainscross road, Kington house
Wilts & Dorset Banking Co Ltd (branch)open daily 10-3; thurs 10-1; fri 10-4; draw on London & Westminster Bank Ltd, Lothbury London E CGeorge street Theodore Lovell de BEHR, manager
WINNEdwin William13 Slad road
WINTERBOTHAMEdward Weedon, JPHigh street;
[h] High street, Bank house
manager of the Capital & Counties Bank Ltd; treasurer to guardians of Stroud union & to the guardians & rural district council of Wheatenhurst; magistrate
WINTERBOTHAMFrederick5 Rowcroft;
[h] The Birches
solicitor & commissioner for oaths & clerk to the guardians & rural district council & assessment & school attendance committees & joint hospital board & clerk to the Chalford, Painswick, Rodborough & Stroud school boards; the Stroud joint burial committee & to the Marling school governors (firm Winterbotham & Sons)
Winterbotham & Sons5 Rowcroftsolicitors
WITCHELLEdward NorthamAcre street, The Acresolicitor (see Witchell & Sons)
WITCHELLPercy1 Lansdown;
[h] Acre street, The Acre
solicitor & clerk to the Stroud UDC
(firm Witchell E & Sons)
Witchell E & Sons1 Lansdownsolicitors
WITHEYMissProspect place
Withey & Withey55 High stgrocers & wine & spirit merchants
WITTSElla (Miss)25 Middle streetapartments
WOODFrank44 Slad road
WOODFrederick29 Gloucester streetcabinet maker
WOODHarryNelson stmanager for Wood & Son Lim
WOODMiles Frederick41 London road
WOODMrsRye Leaze, Belle Vue house
WOODMrs52 Lansdown
WOODRechab39 High stglass & china dealer & bill poster
Wood & RoweCheapside (National Telephone No.44); depots Nailsworth, Ryeford, Stonehouse & Frocester railway stationscoal, salt & builders' merchants
Wood & Son Ltd1 Nelson streetbill posters & advertising contractors &c
Harry WOOD, manager
WOODWARDEmma (Mrs)21 & 22 Russell stdining rooms
WOODWARDHenry10 Tower hillbeer retailer
WOODYETRowlandHorns roadshopkeeper
WOOLLRIGHTJohn TuppenLondon road
Woolmer & Bishop9 King streetgrocers
Workhouseup to 270 inmates; the children are sent out to school[Bisley road]Leonard PARSONS, master; Mrs Elizabeth PARSONS, matron; Rev. Edward Hugh HAWKINS, MA, chaplain; Alfred Square COOKE, medical officer
WRIGHTFrederick3 High streettobacconist & cigar importer & merchant
WYNNEdwin, jun7 Tower hillwardrobe dealer
Wynn, Ellen & Hodevah(Misses)32 High stpawnbrokers

Copyright © John & Marion Hearfield 2012